At IBMH, we offer you the finest hardware and accessories to enhance your catalog through our professional management. This time, we introduce a complete set of door lift supports, both left and right, specifically designed for installation on doors that fold ...
Folding Door Lift Support: Free Stop and Soft Close
In today’s world, China is emerging as a major powerhouse in both culture and technology. In this regard, the term “Shanzai,” which literally means “fortified mountain,” has evolved to represent a unique style of production, imita...
Shanzai Culture: What Does it Mean?
  In the dynamic world of business, the ability to negotiate and persuade stands as a cornerstone for entrepreneurial success. The skill to reach beneficial agreements and persuade involved parties is a prowess. That not only shapes the course of a transa...
The Keys to Negotiation: Arguing and Convincing
Franchising represents a business strategy to expand swiftly and efficiently, provided the right steps are taken. Hence, it’s impossible not to ponder: is franchising your business really a good idea? Once you grasp the arguments for and against, you can ...
Franchising Your Business: Is It a Good Idea?


Chi energy in business: Why it’s so important in China

2019-08-04T18:00:25+00:00 August 2nd, 2019|

Chi energy (also called Qi) is a term that comes from Chinese philosophy and medicine and Taoism. It means “vitality, vigor, morale” and is defined as an intangible quality of every living being. The concept specifically refers to a “flow of vital energy” and is considered very useful in business. In China, this energy is always in the foreground of professional projects, so if you work with companies in this country, it will be helpful for you to become familiar with it. Today, we’ll talk about chi energy in business and how it is used in China. […]

Featured product: high-quality metal structures for tables

2019-08-04T17:57:49+00:00 August 1st, 2019|

  One of IBMH’s most stand-out products is, without a doubt, these high-quality metal structures for tables. A perfect solution that allows you to design tables for diverse uses. Here, we’ll tell you all about the advantages your hardware company can benefit from by adding this product to your catalogue today. […]

What you need to know about language in China in order to do business here

2019-07-25T12:47:52+00:00 July 19th, 2019|

If you want to go to China and start doing business with your furniture and construction hardware company, you need to try to learn, to the extent possible, the culture and characteristics of this country and its thousands of years of tradition. Will you be traveling to China? Are you going to interact with suppliers and clients? Then you’ll have to start by learning a bit about the language in China. Obviously, you won’t learn to speak overnight, but you will know how many languages are spoken here, what the main differences are, and which are the most popular. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel. Let’s take a look! […]

Aluminum Profiles, one of the hot products we recommend at IBMH

2019-07-25T12:49:28+00:00 July 19th, 2019|

Without a doubt, Aluminum Profiles are one of the product lines that, historically, we manage most often in China for our international clients. That’s why we want to let you know about all the advantages your hardware company can benefit from if you add it to your catalogue. These high-quality Aluminum Profiles are a featured product from IBMH that we recommend. […]

The Pareto Principle in furniture hardware businesses: the 80/20 rule

2020-02-13T23:00:10+00:00 July 18th, 2019|

The Pareto Principle or Distribution, also known as the 80/20 rule, is applied in diverse fields of knowledge and carries great weight in the world of business in areas such as marketing and sales. In short, the principle states that just 20% of your actions will produce 80% of your good results. Today at IBMH, we’ll share with you how you can apply the Pareto Principle in furniture hardware businesses and how the 80/20 rule can help your business grow. […]

Having a corporate blog is profitable in the hardware industry

2019-07-25T13:01:30+00:00 July 17th, 2019|

If you look carefully, almost every company, no matter what type, has a corporate blog that they lovingly tend to. Why is that? If you think it’s because they figure everyone has a blog and they’re not going to be the only ones without one, you’re mistaken. These days, having a blog in the hardware business is both profitable and a perfect way to communicate with existing and potential customers. Of course, to make it work, you have to follow a few rules, something that we at IBMH have learned from work, experience and effort. Keep reading, and you can learn them too. […]

Hardware and Accessories for Restroom Partitions

2019-05-31T12:37:23+00:00 June 17th, 2019|

Today at IBMH, we’d like to tell you about our latest star product: hardware and accessories for restroom partitions. Restroom partitions are a product that offer a great advantage. They allow you to build stalls for showers, changing rooms, toilets and lavatories without the need for masonry work. A good solution that requires special hardware that is suitable for this use. And, of course, one that you can import from China thanks to the professional management of IBMH. […]

New addition at IBMH to give the best Sourcing service to our clients in the hardware industry

2019-06-17T17:15:42+00:00 June 14th, 2019|

Today, we want to introduce Sandy Wong, our new addition at IBMH, an excellent former employee who is joining our team again with lots of energy and commitment to give the best Sourcing service to our clients in the hardware industry. Welcome back, Sandy Wong! As you know, at IBMH we choose to work with a multidisciplinary team of professionals capable of improving each project for our clients in the hardware industry. And now, Sandy Wong will be an excellent Sourcing Officer responsible for doing just that. Want to know a bit more about Sandy Wong, our new addition at IBMH, and see everything she has to offer? Let’s get started! […]

How to manage email step by step to improve productivity

2020-02-13T23:09:33+00:00 June 13th, 2019|

Have you ever stopped to think about how many times you check your email each day? Maybe you don’t know the exact number of times you visit your inbox over the course of the workday, but you do know that you often stop paying attention to your work in order to take care of an email you just received. How do these small interruptions affect your productivity? As you know, at IBMH we opt for a job well-done and maximum quality. That’s why, some time ago, we decided to manage our email correctly to improve our productivity. We’ll tell you how! […]

Decisions vs. excuses to implement marketing actions in in the hardware business

2019-05-30T11:16:07+00:00 June 12th, 2019|

Does a business like mine need a marketing plan? You’ve probably asked yourself this question more than once. The truth is, having specific marketing actions for your company requires time and effort. That’s why excuses sometimes come up: are marketing strategies really going to help me? At IBMH, we’ve learned from experience that marketing is important for any business. And we know perfectly well that it is a process, not just one specific action. If you want decisions to beat excuses and implement the right marketing actions for your business, keep reading! […]

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