Does a business like mine need a marketing plan? You’ve probably asked yourself this question more than once. The truth is, having specific marketing actions for your company requires time and effort. That’s why excuses sometimes come up: are marketing strategies really going to help me? At IBMH, we’ve learned from experience that marketing is important for any business. And we know perfectly well that it is a process, not just one specific action. If you want decisions to beat excuses and implement the right marketing actions for your business, keep reading!
The correct decisions to implement marketing actions: What you should know
Developing a marking plan will help you understand the market and how to sell more to the customers you already have and to new ones. It consists of finding out those customers’ needs, informing them about the characteristics of the product, detailing how you are going to inform them, and measuring the results.
As you can see, marketing actions are processes that need to be done in the short- to mid-term. You can’t think about them as a one-time activity. So, to know the correct decisions to make in order to implement the best marketing actions for your hardware company, you need to…
Develop your marketing plan from clear data and specific objectives
The first and most important decision you are going to make in the area of marketing involves creating your strategic plan. This will serve as the foundation for the entire process. Here, you’ll need to closely consider your current and potential customers. What are they like? What do they expect from your products? But you also need to consider the competition. Find out what other hardware companies are doing, how they are reaching their market, with which products, etc.
With this plan, you’ll also lay out the objectives you want to achieve. It might be selling more, positioning yourself in the mind of the consumer, strengthening your brand image, introducing a new product… The actions to take and the media to use will depend on your goals.
Set a calendar for marketing actions
Your calendar will be a template to help you take the right steps. It’s the ideal tool for maximum organization and for acting in a timely fashion. Did you know that one of the factors that can lead to failure is lack of foresight? If you are precise when planning and executing your action plan, you’ll have everything under control.
Study which communication media are right for reaching your market
In this respect, the decisions you will make will be about the channels that you will use to communicate and let people know about your products or services. Will it be through social media? Will you advertise on related websites? Or maybe you’ll opt for more traditional media? You need to keep in mind which media are usually used by your customers to ensure you reach them. Remember that every strategy you carry out must translate to specific marketing actions.
Define a budget, human resources and materials
Now is the moment to decide on the human and material resources that will be dedicated to each action. Decisions will be made according to the budget you have set. It’s not about trying to set a large budget, but rather about narrowing it and devoting it to strategies that will actually yield effective results.
It’s time to measure the results
Once you’ve gone through all the previous steps, it’s time to analyze and measure results. This is where you will find the answer to what worked and what needs to be improved. The next marketing plan should use the results of the previous one as a starting point.
Excuses that lead some companies to not take marketing actions
Or to not do it in a professional way. You’re probably thinking now that, when you lay it all out like this, it shouldn’t be too complicated to make decisions and achieve effective marketing actions. And that’s true, but even so, many companies these days make excuses to not use these strategies. Why?
- Because of thoughts like: “Marketing is just for big companies.” Marketing strategies are really for any company, no matter what size they are or what industry they’re in. All companies need a marketing plan with their own tailor-made objectives and strategies. Only by having a pre-defined plan will you know where to go and how to achieve your goals.
- “I don’t have a big enough budget.” There are always actions that can be taken for any budget, adapting to the needs of each moment. The resources you set aside will depend on the goals you are after. You can start with simple plans and then gradually expand.
- “Marketing is an expense that doesn’t offer many benefits.” Developing and executing marketing actions with specialized professionals is one of the most profitable investments you can make. An excellent tool that can help any company be successful.
At IBMH, we tend to every aspect of our business to offer the best purchase experience to our clients and help them grow their businesses. If you want this for your hardware company too, don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’ll he happy to hear from you.