At IBMH, we offer you the finest hardware and accessories to enhance your catalog through our professional management. This time, we introduce a complete set of door lift supports, both left and right, specifically designed for installation on doors that fold ...
Folding Door Lift Support: Free Stop and Soft Close
In today’s world, China is emerging as a major powerhouse in both culture and technology. In this regard, the term “Shanzai,” which literally means “fortified mountain,” has evolved to represent a unique style of production, imita...
Shanzai Culture: What Does it Mean?
  In the dynamic world of business, the ability to negotiate and persuade stands as a cornerstone for entrepreneurial success. The skill to reach beneficial agreements and persuade involved parties is a prowess. That not only shapes the course of a transa...
The Keys to Negotiation: Arguing and Convincing
Franchising represents a business strategy to expand swiftly and efficiently, provided the right steps are taken. Hence, it’s impossible not to ponder: is franchising your business really a good idea? Once you grasp the arguments for and against, you can ...
Franchising Your Business: Is It a Good Idea?


IBMH develops a new Interior Design System specially for closets and wardrobes

2019-05-10T19:42:37+00:00 May 9th, 2019|

IBMH has worked closely with several manufacturers in the design and creation of a new Interior Design System specially for closets and wardrobes. Introducing a new line of hardware and accessories for closet interiors and wardrobes that is trending in many European countries. Wardrobes and closets aren’t just for storage anymore—that’s changed. They’ve become spaces where good taste and design reign. Want to hear more? We’ll tell you all about this product that is already a success in Spain, Italy, Portugal, the UK, and in many other countries. […]

How to be an innovative company in marketing in the furniture hardware industry

2019-05-10T20:06:49+00:00 May 7th, 2019|

Becoming an innovative company in marketing overnight is not a simple task. In fact, it needs to be a gradual change that is made step by step in the right direction. At IBMH, we know as well as you do that being innovative in marketing can bring many benefits in the hardware business. Read on and find out how to do it. […]

Perseverance in business: A strength or a threat to achieving effectiveness?

2020-02-13T23:12:33+00:00 May 6th, 2019|

Perseverance in business is undoubtedly one of the main keys to being able to improve personal and professional effectiveness. However, perseverance is also one of the main obstacles, and it can even become a threat. Are you wondering how this huge paradox is possible? Keep reading and you’ll find the answers. […]

Globalization strategies to reach more customers in the hardware industry

2019-04-04T18:45:44+00:00 April 12th, 2019|

Globalization is one of the most complex business strategies that a company can undertake. Expanding to international markets in order to reach more prospective customers is a real challenge. That’s why, at IBMH, we want to share some globalization strategies so that you can take that next step confidently. Achieving success in your hardware business will be easier than ever! […]

How to manage company meetings effectively

2019-04-15T10:19:09+00:00 April 11th, 2019|

. At IBMH, we use all of our resources and tools to achieve our established goals effectively. When we say resources, we’re referring to everything from our newsletter to the most novel technologies and everything in between, including company meetings. This is precisely today’s subject, sharing with you the best way to manage company meetings effectively, just like we do in our company. Let’s get started! […]

Morning tea in Guangzhou

2019-04-15T10:12:03+00:00 April 10th, 2019|

Guangzhou is a strategic city for hardware importers, and it is here, as you know, where IBMH headquarters are located. This city, situated in the south of China, maintains some very rich and interesting culture and traditions. If you want to start doing business in this country, you’ll probably be interested in learning some of their most important customs. […]

Introducing the complete range of high-end metallic drawers with soft close

2019-03-14T10:36:06+00:00 April 9th, 2019|

Today, we’d like to introduce the latest development in the industry: the complete range of high-end metallic drawers with soft close. A product specially indicated for kitchen cabinets, wardrobes, closets, bathroom cupboards or office furniture. And the best part? These metallic drawers have a soft close system manufactured in China, which makes all the difference compared to the existing metallic drawers on the market to date. Here, we’ll let you know all about what’s new with the complete range of high-end metallic drawers with soft close. […]

Meet EMMAS, a truly surprising model of furniture casters

2019-03-18T17:07:02+00:00 March 18th, 2019|

At IBMH, we know that to maintain a business, you have to work from the very foundations and have quality products as well as efficient suppliers. But we also know that that’s not enough; an important aspect to consider is what’s new in the market. It’s for this reason that we want to introduce you today to Emmas, a truly surprising model of furniture casters. Want to learn what makes them so great? Keep reading! […]

Cause for celebration at IBMH: we’ve grown by 23%!

2019-04-01T18:38:45+00:00 March 15th, 2019|

At IBMH, we’re very proud today because we’ve grown our total business volume by 23% compared to last year! A challenge that we were able to meet with hard work, good practices and a great business strategy. But it’s also a challenge that was overcome thanks to all the quality businesses we work with every day, and all our suppliers. It’s with all of them that we share today’s cause for celebration at IBMH. […]

Keys to good customer service in the pre-sale phase

2019-04-04T18:48:18+00:00 March 14th, 2019|

  Having excellent customer service in each and every aspect of the business – that is one of our permanent objectives at IBMH. We’re sure it’s something you’re concerned about in your business, too. Because taking care of the customer before the sale or service, during it and after it, will make you stand out from the competition, create customer loyalty and help you reach your goals. That’s why today we want to tell you about the keys to good customer service in the pre-sale phase. Grab a pen and paper, and let’s get started. […]

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