At IBMH, we offer you the finest hardware and accessories to enhance your catalog through our professional management. This time, we introduce a complete set of door lift supports, both left and right, specifically designed for installation on doors that fold ...
Folding Door Lift Support: Free Stop and Soft Close
In today’s world, China is emerging as a major powerhouse in both culture and technology. In this regard, the term “Shanzai,” which literally means “fortified mountain,” has evolved to represent a unique style of production, imita...
Shanzai Culture: What Does it Mean?
  In the dynamic world of business, the ability to negotiate and persuade stands as a cornerstone for entrepreneurial success. The skill to reach beneficial agreements and persuade involved parties is a prowess. That not only shapes the course of a transa...
The Keys to Negotiation: Arguing and Convincing
Franchising represents a business strategy to expand swiftly and efficiently, provided the right steps are taken. Hence, it’s impossible not to ponder: is franchising your business really a good idea? Once you grasp the arguments for and against, you can ...
Franchising Your Business: Is It a Good Idea?



2016-03-31T09:32:33+00:00 March 31st, 2016|

IBMH offers, from some years ago, a professional service of purchasing management of furniture hardware. Therefore we are always investigating to find the highest quality products and innovations that are trend in the market […]

Visit Canton fair with us

2016-03-12T18:18:50+00:00 March 12th, 2016|

The Import and Export Fair in China, also known as Canton fair, was founded in the spring of 1957. This event takes place every year in the spring and autumn and is currently a large general meeting of China’s international trade. […]

Featured product: Epoxy Slides

2016-03-12T18:09:04+00:00 March 12th, 2016|

The epoxy Slides one of the most used hardware in the opening of the drawers for furniture hardware. These metal guides are manufactured in Epoxy painted steel, which gives them excellent anti rust resistance. The sliding guides with simple extension, also known as roller guides, epoxy slides and rails, have been manufactured in China for more than 20 years. It is a hardware whose mechanization was not needed high-tech; many small Chinese factories without specialization were capable of producing this hardware with a minimum of quality. The problem is that being process purely manuals, they have no way to guarantee that all sliders manufactured are 100% the same, flawless and the prints, the finish or the countersunk holes. Importation process This hardware belongs to the category of guides, also known as sliding guides, drawer guides, slides and rails. It is mainly available in 4 different thicknesses, in order to [...]

The business environment in China this 2016

2016-02-24T10:50:09+00:00 February 24th, 2016|

Recently, the American Chamber of Commerce of the Chinese Republic carried out a study to analyse the business environment in China this 2016. This study offers valuable information to companies regarding the regulatory environment and Chinese policy, as well as the challenges that companies like IBMH are facing, dedicated to offer daily commercial transactions that operate in China. […]

Featured product: Tower of lifting telescopic Plugs

2016-02-24T10:48:01+00:00 February 24th, 2016|

As you may know, multimedia technique and electronic auxiliaries every day gain more ground in the world of Interior Design. The concept of interior decoration offers, increasingly, alternative possibilities to establish the power supply, or access to the data. It is about simplify and beautify the traditional form of access to a mains supply. […]

Come to the INTERZUM and Guangzhou CIFF fair

2016-02-24T10:41:06+00:00 February 24th, 2016|

Attend a professional trade fair allows you to obtain a global vision of the market’s current reference in our sector, including its various specialized sectoral areas. That is why IBMH will soon visit the INTERZUM and CIFF fairs, two of the most important in China. […]

Maximum requirement in the products that we inspect.

2016-02-24T10:35:20+00:00 February 24th, 2016|

At IBMH we have clear ideas when it comes to help our customers to import quality products in China: we must always be very demanding on our inspection and quality control processes. Only in this way we can guarantee that the product purchased in China by our customers meets technical requirements previously set by them. For this reason it is always needed a professional service of quality control prior to shipment and sending of the order to the destination country. […]

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