The epoxy Slides one of the most used hardware in the opening of the drawers for furniture hardware. These metal guides are manufactured in Epoxy painted steel, which gives them excellent anti rust resistance.

Featured product:  Epoxy Slides

The sliding guides with simple extension, also known as roller guides, epoxy slides and rails, have been manufactured in China for more than 20 years. It is a hardware whose mechanization was not needed high-tech; many small Chinese factories without specialization were capable of producing this hardware with a minimum of quality.

The problem is that being process purely manuals, they have no way to guarantee that all sliders manufactured are 100% the same, flawless and the prints, the finish or the countersunk holes.

Featured product:  Epoxy Slides

Importation process

This hardware belongs to the category of guides, also known as sliding guides, drawer guides, slides and rails. It is mainly available in 4 different thicknesses, in order to be able to have the ideal product for each segment of the market (0.8 mm, 0.9 mm, 1.0 mm and 1.2 mm.) but actually Chinese manufacturer can manufacture us this hardware with the specifications that each client may need in every moment.

These hardware are mainly available in 4 different RAL colours, to be able to adapt perfectly to the finish of the furniture or cabinet in which it is installed. (White RAL 9001, Black RAL 9005, Grey Silver RAL 9006 and Brown RAL 8014), although Chinese manufacturer can manufacture us this hardware specifications, like the paint color RAL, as any client wishes at all times.

Featured product:  Epoxy Slides

Manufacturing Process

These simple sliders have countersunk holes for the screw heads not to produce friction on sliding. They are homologated to support up to 25 kilos, but this technical aspect is defined by the final thickness of the plates that we will have.

The sliding wheels are mainly made of POM (Polyoxymethylene – Delrin®) which gives them a high resistance to wear and tear, minimizing the usual noises produced by plastic wheels of conventional guidelines. Although on-demand they also can be manufactured in ASB, Nylon and Plastic. This variety of possible materials in the manufacture of wheels are what provide the wheels a greater or lower wear resistance with the use of the product over time.

Featured product:  Epoxy Slides

At IBMH we have discovered where and how manufacture this hardware in China without hardly labor, without hardly any Chinese workers that may commit errors in production. Thus we make sure that all the slides are manufactured 100% the same, from part 1 to part 1 million, all will have the same weight, thickness, finishes, bend angles, countersunk holes, etc. ensuring that the final quality of the product is always first quality at European level.

In these videos we will show you how it is possible to make these sliders in China right now without labor.

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