At IBMH, we offer you the finest hardware and accessories to enhance your catalog through our professional management. This time, we introduce a complete set of door lift supports, both left and right, specifically designed for installation on doors that fold ...
Folding Door Lift Support: Free Stop and Soft Close
In today’s world, China is emerging as a major powerhouse in both culture and technology. In this regard, the term “Shanzai,” which literally means “fortified mountain,” has evolved to represent a unique style of production, imita...
Shanzai Culture: What Does it Mean?
  In the dynamic world of business, the ability to negotiate and persuade stands as a cornerstone for entrepreneurial success. The skill to reach beneficial agreements and persuade involved parties is a prowess. That not only shapes the course of a transa...
The Keys to Negotiation: Arguing and Convincing
Franchising represents a business strategy to expand swiftly and efficiently, provided the right steps are taken. Hence, it’s impossible not to ponder: is franchising your business really a good idea? Once you grasp the arguments for and against, you can ...
Franchising Your Business: Is It a Good Idea?


Featured product: Removable to store bread and some bottles

2023-02-06T13:31:02+00:00 February 20th, 2023|

On this occasion we would like to present our new featured product. It is a practical and useful removable kitchen bottle rack-breadbasket to store bread and several bottles. Not only outstanding for its functionality, but also for its quality and style. Do you want to know all the details and how to import it with IBMH’s professional management? Read more! […]

Happy Chinese New Year 2023! The Year of the Water Rabbit

2023-02-14T12:49:02+00:00 February 17th, 2023|

On January 22, the Chinese New Year began. Year of the Rabbit which will end on February 9, 2024. On this occasion it is presided over by the Water Rabbit, symbol of longevity, the omens for Chinese culture are of peace and prosperity. But what are the traditions and celebrations that revolve around the most important event in China? […]

The legs for furniture and sofas are our new featured product

2023-01-09T09:55:19+00:00 January 13th, 2023|

At IBMH we continue to expand our models, in this case legs for furniture and sofas. So that you can incorporate them into your catalog with total guarantee and thus satisfy the demands of end customers. Below, we detail what are the features and advantages that have made it become our new featured product. […]

What is the technique of the six hats and how to apply it to hardware businesses

2023-01-01T20:39:14+00:00 January 12th, 2023|

Divergent, creative and innovative thinking is one of the qualities most valued today by management teams. That is why many companies use strategies such as the technique of the six hats that both favor the resolution of obstacles and help so much decision-making. Will it also be a good strategy for your hardware business? […]

Difference between influence, persuasion, and manipulation in business

2023-01-01T20:25:11+00:00 January 11th, 2023|

Although rational matters prevail in consumer decision-making, there is also an emotional part that companies cannot overlook. In fact, it has always been said that whoever does not excite, does not sell. Now, influence is not the same as persuasion and has nothing to do with manipulation. How are they different and which to use in business? […]

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