At IBMH, we offer you the finest hardware and accessories to enhance your catalog through our professional management. This time, we introduce a complete set of door lift supports, both left and right, specifically designed for installation on doors that fold ...
Folding Door Lift Support: Free Stop and Soft Close
In today’s world, China is emerging as a major powerhouse in both culture and technology. In this regard, the term “Shanzai,” which literally means “fortified mountain,” has evolved to represent a unique style of production, imita...
Shanzai Culture: What Does it Mean?
  In the dynamic world of business, the ability to negotiate and persuade stands as a cornerstone for entrepreneurial success. The skill to reach beneficial agreements and persuade involved parties is a prowess. That not only shapes the course of a transa...
The Keys to Negotiation: Arguing and Convincing
Franchising represents a business strategy to expand swiftly and efficiently, provided the right steps are taken. Hence, it’s impossible not to ponder: is franchising your business really a good idea? Once you grasp the arguments for and against, you can ...
Franchising Your Business: Is It a Good Idea?


Psychological well-being as part of your corporate culture

2023-05-08T14:22:26+00:00 May 18th, 2023|

That psychological well-being is part of the corporate culture supposes a change in the mentality of entrepreneurs and managers that has, among other advantages, the improvement of the work environment and the increase of the feeling of belonging to the company. That is why more and more companies decide to interest in the mental health of their teams. […]

Low-mounting rail, new IBMH featured hardware

2023-04-10T19:04:39+00:00 April 17th, 2023|

The low-mount rail, IBMH’s new featured hardware, full extension, slow closure and ‘push to open’ is a type of rail that is easily and hidden installed in the lower part of the furniture drawers. Thanks to this hardware that you can already incorporate into your catalog with our professional management, end customers will have all the features that can be found separately on some rails and on others. Discover all its features and advantages! […]

Chinese proverbs that will help you in business

2023-04-10T18:41:59+00:00 April 14th, 2023|

“A long journey starts with a first step” or “give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime” are just some of the Chinese proverbs that, transmitted from generation to generation, have reached our days. What other quotes from popular wisdom should we know and know how to interpret if we want to make prosperous and lasting business in China? […]

Non-slip mat: Expansion of IBMH’s featured product

2023-03-07T14:37:29+00:00 March 20th, 2023|

On this occasion we are pleased to tell you that we have increased our already extensive range of non-slip mats with a new non-slip mat available in several models. It is intended for use in kitchen furniture, bathrooms, offices, and other applications. In addition to comfort, it allows you to have everything well organized. We will tell you all its features and the advantages of incorporating it into your hardware catalog with IBMH’s professional management. […]

From storytelling to testimonial marketing of the future

2023-03-06T13:49:24+00:00 March 16th, 2023|

What the customer tells about how he uses a certain product or what his experience is with a service not only gives us the keys to improve, but, from now on, it has become an excellent way to reach other potential consumers. That is why marketing is increasingly testimonial and strategies focus on giving voice to customer opinions. […]

EIF and EEF matrix: What they are and steps for their implementation

2023-03-06T13:27:31+00:00 March 15th, 2023|

The internal (EIF) and external (EEF) factor assessment matrices are organized into tables and detail the study of a company’s opportunities and threats. Widely used for decision making, they can also be used for the study of competition. Do you also want to know how to implement the EIF and EEF matrix? Here’s everything you need to know! […]

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