El bienestar psicológico como parte de tu cultura corporativa

That psychological well-being is part of the corporate culture supposes a change in the mentality of entrepreneurs and managers that has, among other advantages, the improvement of the work environment and the increase of the feeling of belonging to the company. That is why more and more companies decide to interest in the mental health of their teams.

The direct influence of mental health on productivity

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of emotional well-being was highlighted. However, prior to this, many workers experienced burnout and poor communication with colleagues. As well as various personal problems related to stress and anxiety. Situations that, in addition to negatively affecting people, influenced companies.

And it has been shown that the accompaniment to these problems, also by managers, translates into a notable improvement. Which also has repercussions at the labour level.

Solutions: Can the psychological well-being of employees be improved?

Some stressors caused in the workplace and related to long hours, economic insecurity or incompatibility to reconcile with family life must be considered. The more cared for and valued our team is, the better you will feel.

At the same time, it is very helpful to strengthen relationships between managers and between employees themselves. And it is that a climate of unity where team building is part, makes the difference.

And for this, to know what worries our workers and to be able to take timely measures, we can use several resources:

  • Listen to workers either in meetings through forms or surveys. In this way you will discover their opinions, values and beliefs.
  • Offer your team promotion opportunities, as well as alternatives that serve to improve work-life balance. Remember that flexible working hours are highly valued by talent.
  • Being interested in psychological well-being means trying a time in which you can talk about other issues that are not only work. For example, in which you can comment on aspects of personal, family life. Or in which they talk about the tastes and concerns of each one.
  • Provides support and attention to employees whenever needed.


The importance of integrating emotional well-being into your values as a leader

According to WHO recommendations, managers or business leaders should make decisions and actions aimed at mental health. Own and of its employees.

And it is that in these measures is to ensure that the members of the departments do not experience professional burnout. And, as we said before, considering their interests, motivations and concerns.

A change of mentality in companies

The growing interest in mental health or psychological well-being in companies has meant a change in mentality. Both individually and professionally, becoming part of the corporate culture. Even at the same level as the rest of the values that define the organization. Such as effort, dedication or transparency.

Being interested in the emotional well-being of the team has advantages for the employee and the company. As well as having the best professionals to support your business. With our Strategic Management service of purchases of hardware and accessories for furniture and construction in China you can improve the profitability of your business. Contact us today and we’ll give you all the details.