Social media seem to have given a boost to networking, a practice that is increasingly popular among businesses and on a personal level. Although it is not a new phenomenon, it is more important today than ever before. What you should take into account in order to do good networking to make your furniture hardware business grow?
Without a doubt, for importers of construction and furniture hardware, it will support your business. Finding the right customers and convincing them that you are what they really need is a job that can be accomplished through online contacts and digital tools. Hence, the importance of preparing a good networking to make your furniture hardware business grow and gain presence in the industry.
What is networking?
Networking is a marketing strategy that consists of creating a network of professional contacts. The objective is to establish relationships with different people and companies that offer benefits to both parties. In China, the culture of guanxi, which also seeks out these relationships of mutual favors, is a business requirement that drives the world of commerce. It allows you to find support systems that could become useful for the company in the future.
Advantages of networking
Networking will open doors for your company if you know how to do it. These are the advantages of networking to make your furniture hardware business grow.
- • Meeting more people to create growth opportunities for your company in new projects.
- • Promote your brand image both online and offline.
- • Finding potential future collaborators, clients, suppliers or even alliances.
- • Learning from the positive experiences and from the mistakes of other business owners.
- • Getting feedback from people external to the company who can observe from an outside perspective.
Tips to design a good networking strategy
The key to having a good network of contacts is receiving, but also giving. For this reason, leaving it up to chance or limiting yourself to handing out business cards isn’t effective. If you want your furniture and construction hardware business to benefit from solid relationships, you should keep the following tips in mind:
- • Set a goal to find contacts who will help you with your vision. If you are interested in learning from other professionals, focus on companies with a long track record; if you want to grow, look for alliances in industries that complement your own; etc.
- • Think about how you want to present yourself and what you can offer your contacts. Creating a brief introduction for your company can help you get the word out.
- • Look for professionals related to you and your company and contact them. Don’t underestimate any contact, even if you think your professional level is higher than theirs. You never know how things can change.
- • Establish a rhythm for communication. It can be intense at the beginning in order to strengthen the relationship, but little by little, give it more space.
- • Avoid any contact who tries to get in with you for the sole purpose of getting favors or a “shoe-in”. Those who lie or promise things that you know are impossible won’t be useful for you, either.
- • Don’t try to sell your business as something that it’s not, but don’t undervalue everything that it is capable of achieving.
How to do networking right
If you are looking for a strategy for networking to make your furniture hardware business grow and develop properly, you should rely on social media as well as face-to-face meetings. Using both forms of communication, you will solidify better alliances.
- • Online networking will allow you to reach people who are interesting for your company, and also allows others to contact you. Make sure that your social media presence is well-designed: use of keywords, description of your business, etc. LinkedIn is one of the most useful tools.
- • Even in the 21st century, you can’t disregard personal meetings with your contacts. Attend conferences, organize meetings, arrange meals in restaurants… Taking relationships out of the virtual world will help them be more solid and long-lasting. This type of encounter, will help to reinforce ties with your contacts and, possibly, reach an agreement that benefits you both.
What about you? What marketing strategies have you implemented in your business? Do you use networking to make your hardware business grow? Tell us about your experience!