When talking about marketing strategies for a business it is almost impossible not to mention the upward trend of interactive content. Do you know what does it consist of? What types are there? What should you know about them? Is it profitable for a hardware company? Read more!
What is interactive content?
It is a series of dynamics that are carried out to interact with the client. To seek a response from the public and motivate participation, to capture their attention even more.
Interactive content is today one of the most used marketing strategies in many companies and businesses that allows to increase engagement with the audience and transform it into leads.
Main types of interactive content
The pieces of information in different formats encourage the response of the Internet user, as well as viralization. But, beware, not everyone can get the same advantage for depending on which business. Knowing the different types of interactive content will help you assess which is most useful for your hardware business.
1 Contest
Contests are liked by the audience because of the challenge. For the possibility of a reward and for the playful character they have. That is why it is one of the pieces of interactive content that are most often viewed and shared.
2 Augmented reality experiences
Augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality or even 360º video are interactive content strategies that also tend to work very well. For the engagement they generate and the memory that remains in the consumer. Although the initial investment may be higher, the return is also higher.
3 Questionnaires
Very useful for both the brand and the customer, it is a question-answer format that allows the option of customization. For example, a questionnaire to a group of users who have recently purchased a type of hardware. We will be able to know their satisfaction degree, the points of improvement, suggestions…
4 Surveys
They are usually designed to launch on social networks and, in addition to generating comments, they are used to know the opinion of Internet users about a specific topic: a new product or service, preferences for categories of articles or even about prices.
5 Infographics
The infographic, a graphic piece with relevant content, has the great advantage of being easy to make and presenting a dynamic, enjoyable, and simple reading. It is widely used as a complement to the content of the web or blog and as a piece to share in the profiles of the brand’s social networks.
6 Ebooks
This type of interactive content is used in many companies as a resource to share relevant information in which you can also include, in addition to text, images and video: the instructions for use of a product, the assembly of an article. Easy to download, we get the client to click and spend more time on our website.
Why is this type of content useful?
We have already commented some of the advantages of interactive content for companies. Here we list them all:
- Interactive content invites participation. This translates into greater customer engagement, as well as better feedback.
- Provides a better user experience. The brand becomes better positioned in the customer’s mind.
- Provides reliable data: how many have clicked; how many responses have been obtained.
- On the other hand, we can find out the degree of customer satisfaction and, therefore, what are the points to improve.
- Helps generate leads and new business opportunities.
With the right tools, defining the strategy well, but above all having the support of the best team, you will achieve maximum profitability for your business. And this is exactly what IBMH can do for you. Count on us to take care of all your imports of furniture and construction hardware from China. Get in touch with us and see for yourself!