Previously, in our blog we talked about neuromarketing, what it is and how to apply it in the hardware business. In today’s post we will go one step further and we will see why this marketing discipline is so important today and what are the most effective neuromarketing techniques. Defining the strategies that impact customers best will be easier than ever.
Neuromarketing: technology that measures consumer emotions
Neuromarketing has become very fashionable nowadays. If we told you that you can predict how the brain is going to react after exposure to a certain brand or product, wouldn’t you think it might be a most useful strategy to use in your hardware company?
Since neuromarketing broke out a few years ago, sales have gone from being a tactic to being a science. Neuromarketing, widely used in various fields of medicine such as nuclear magnetic resonance imaging or brain activity, is used to understand the effects that a product or brand has on the consumer and its final purchasing decision.
Its main goal is to analyze what happens in a person’s brain when buying. It is thanks to this valuable information that products and services can be adapted to provide the consumer with the best shopping experience.
Neuromarketing techniques, what are the best strategies to impact customers?
There are several neuromarketing techniques that make possible to positively influence the consumer’s purchasing decision. Here’s what’s to be:
Fear of loss or playing over time
A loss has been shown to generate a negative impact greater than the positive effect of a gain. How to apply this to sales? Well, with strategies as simple as ‘limited edition’ or ‘last units’. The client’s brain detects a possible loss which gives rise to faster decision making.
Pygmalion effect
The Pygmalion effect is another technique widely used in neuromarketing. The idea is to play with expectations in addition to offering the client a differential treatment in which they are made to feel unique. For example, when making an offer ‘for him only’.
Halo effect
What do you usually do when you don’t know a product or service? Probably the same as us, look for references to try to create an image. The Halo effect is based on this hypothesis when linking a successful product to a new one of the same brands.
Goggle effect
No, we have not made a mistake, it is called ‘Goggle effect’ (translated as diving goggles) and not ‘google’ to another of the main neuromarketing techniques. In this case it is intended to influence by stimulus just before the purchase decision. For example, by creating a customer-friendly predisposition by offering a cup of tea before talking business.
Bandwagon effect or drag
When it comes to buying this or that, we let ourselves be guided by what most people do. If there are many customers who have purchased a product it will be because it is the best. ‘Why don’t I buy it too?’
Decoy effect
It’s about presenting a product or service in a way that looks more cost-effective than another. For example, the Decoy effect is used when showing the benefits of a product to be output. On the other hand, some not-so-advantageous aspect of another product is named. The brain will see that the first one is better and will remember it at the time of the purchase decision.
What do you think of these neuromarketing techniques? Are you currently applying any of them in your hardware business?
For any business it is important to be aware of new techniques and strategies that can help keep growing. As well, it’s important to have a team like IBMH that works to improve the profitability of your furniture and construction hardware imports. If you want to save up to 40% on your hardware purchases in China, don’t think about it anymore and contact us today!