If you are an importer and you are in constant negotiation with hardware manufacturers in China, it is probably that your greatest desire is to receive products with no defects. However, the vast majority of factories around the world export defective products.

That is why IBMHCORP’s Quality Control and Inspection service in China will help you achieve the highest levels of quality for your company.

“Quality Inspection Report”: Quality guarantee on your imports

IBMHCORP has established a strict and advanced quality management system in China, through constant inspections and controls that guarantee the total quality of the final product. By having the services of IBMH to import furniture hardware in China, not only you will have the quality analysis service of the raw material used, but also the manufacture of the products will remain under constant controls.

To achieve this, IBMH offers the “Quality Inspection Report”, a digitized report that will give you the feeling of being present at the factory, thanks to the most detailed information about the quality inspection process. Preventing any mishaps, IBMH avoid inconveniences with hardware manufacturers in China, with quality controls that rely on an advanced level of technical knowledge.

Acceptable Quality Level: The guide for the best result in the final manufacture

When IBMHCORP customers wish to purchase furniture hardware in China, our quality controls are governed by ISO2859, also called Acceptable Quality Level, which defines the guidelines for the inspection and management of the acceptable quality levels included in the Final Report. In this sense, within the Inspection services of IBMH in China, three types of defects can be found:

Critical: Defects that are against the regulations or can cause serious damages to the property or to the user, being even a problem for the regulations of each country.


Main: Defects that can generate the return of the product by the client, although they do not imply a risk for their safety.

Minor: Defects that do not affect the quality or functions of the product.

Through this detailed report, you will have the autonomy to make the final decision on the shipment. Your understanding, as well as regulations, costs, and other aspects of inspection, will allow you to decide how to act at the purchase time. If you have decided to buy furniture hardware at wholesale