How to Achieve Multigenerational Team Management

In addition to virtual reality, the redefinition of workspaces and sustainability, one of the great challenges of 2022 that companies face are multigenerational teams, since it is estimated that there can be up to four different generations in the same workplace. What does it mean to have teams of workers from different generations? And how to manage them for the benefit of all?

Multigenerational teams and their involvement in the company

It is increasingly common to see work teams formed by people of different generations in companies. This is what is known as a multigenerational team. The union of different profiles, experiences and skills that will shape a team in which creativity, the contribution of ideas and productivity are the constant.

Up to four age ranges on these teams

According to the ages of the workers we can make the following classification in multigenerational teams, including their general characteristics.

  1. Baby boomers (1946-1964). They highly value job stability, as well as growth opportunities within the company.
  2. Generation X (1965-1980). Flexibility and a high level of income are their main motivations.
  3. Millennials (1981-1996). Digital natives, they do well with new technologies.
  4. Generation Z (1997-2012). They are the youngest workers; concerned about environmental sustainability and social responsibility, they have well defined their values and interests.

In the working groups of companies, we can find collaborating with different generations, which can be a great advantage for the company if it is managed correctly.

How to manage multigenerational teams

Good management hides the key to success. Both managers and members of human resources must realize the rough diamond involved in having workers of different ages in the company.

+ Fosters an environment of collaboration and dialogue

To achieve this, you should encourage formal and informal team meetings in which everyone can give their point of view. Try to find the balance between the different skills. The result will be employees of united multigenerational teams with a high team spirit.

+ Commitment to collaborative learning and be flexible

It provides common learning spaces for each generation to argue their opinions and share their knowledge to work side by side without discrepancies arising. Which will also make everyone feel valued with a great feeling of belonging to the company.

On the other hand, try to be flexible in terms of schedules or workspaces. Not only to achieve greater productivity, but also to be something that team members will know how to value positively.

+ Establish communication through several channels

Communication is another key point in the management of multigenerational teams. That is why periodic communications are always recommended. Bidirectional and through communication channels according to the characteristics of each generation.

+ Get to know each person individually

Communication and teamwork, of course. But it’s also important to dedicate some time to each employee to make them feel unique. Also, to be able to deepen their skills, motivations, and long-term goals.

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